Stop fighting with food and fat! There is an easier way!
A beautiful body is a dream for a lot of people. Have you ever thought about changing something about your appearance? Have you ever tried? People experiment...
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Listen to your……body, when it’s calling for you.
All of us like to have warm relationships with others based on trust. It makes our lives happier and more interesting. We are always on the lookout for new good...
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Find your Spark!
Is it difficult for you to motivate yourself and stay on track? Are you looking for encouragement and an outside driving force? You are in the right place where...
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Stop procrastination right now! Plan less and complete more!
How many time a day do you honestly feel short on time? How often do you look at your to-do list and realize that you barely covered half of it?? Do you feel...
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Vegetables and fruits make us happier
Due to some health issues I was recommended to eat more vegetables. Honestly, I was not so good at it before. Vegetables played minor role in my daily diet. I...
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8 Tips for Healthy Eating (hint: it isn’t about calories or diet)
If you want to start eating healthier right now, it is easier than you think. You don’t need to be on a strict diet. It isn’t necessary to count calories. Just...
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Benefits from Exercising
I think many of you know benefits from exercising. I just would like to refresh them. Benefits: better overall health weight control strong muscles and bones...
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To be, or not to be: that is the question
This is one of my steps toward self-acceptance. I was afraid of making up my mind to do it. It is scary to accept this part of myself, scary to be unaccepted by...
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I am back to balance
I’ve recently started my new training program ))) I had a great desire to incorporate balance in my workout routine when I was creating the current plan. I...
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